The Gallup Medical Center has an opening for a General Surgeon within the General Surgery Clinic.Gallup Indian Medical Center is a 78-bed hospital on the border of the Navajo Reservation. Clinical specialties at GIMC include Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Anesthesia, OB/GYN, General Surgery, Orthopedics, Ophthalmology, ENT, Radiology, Pathology, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Emergency Medicine, and Urology. The workload at Gallup is one of the largest in the Indian Health Service with 310,000 outpatient encounters and 4,400 inpatient admissions annually. GIMC has the largest staff of all Navajo Area IHS facilities. The Gallup Indian Medical Center has the designation as a Level III Trauma Center.Provision of Care:The Contractor shall perform medical/surgical duties and manage patients needs as described in the (PD), identified by the Service Unit and as directed by Supervisor. Attend outpatient clinic sessions, evaluating patient complaints, making diagnoses, designing treatment plans, educating the patient and family about their condition and initiating care. Prepares prescription accurately following federal and US Public Health Service Law and Policies. Contractor agrees to assure appropriateness of drug therapy. The General Surgeon will assure that drug therapy is safe, efficacious, and cost effective. Standards of care developed and adopted by the professional staff of the facility shall be the criteria for appropriateness of drug therapy. The Surgeon shall screen the patient health record to avoid inappropriate drug interactions and monitor patients for the appropriateness of therapy. The contractor will provide inpatient and outpatient General Surgery Services, Medical and surgical, within the General Surgery clinic, wards and operating room at GIMC and other clinical settings as may be required for consultation from time to time. The Contractor will provide consultative services by request from clinic at GIMC and other I.H.S. service units in the area. The Contractor will admit patients to the inpatient units as necessary for their appropriate treatment. Some patients will require co-management in conjunction with other services at GIMC such as Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, or Specialty Surgery.Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). The Government will furnish the Contractor with appropriate PPE other than specified in paragraph 4 of the contract. The Government will be responsible for any repair, cleaning, and inventory required for the PPE.Tour of Duty: The time of day the provider is scheduled to perform medical care; also considered the shift of the day. The time can vary according to the needs of each facility and/or clinic, e.g. 12 hour Tour of Duty, 8 hour Tour of Duty, 10 hour Tour of Duty. Includes nights, weekends and holidays.